Shows us the idea of combining public spaces with private spaces to form spaces that make the client feel as if it actually is a private space and to allow the client to investigate different paths he/she can take when trying to move through more architecture.
This was the level that I constructed for the model, In my opinion was the most useful in understand the division of spaces and forming a connection between spaces, this poche also captures a lighting scheme between spaces. The black walls represent construction of these spaces that essentially divide the villa into public and private spaces.
This section tries to capture the lighting scheme that allows the villa to light up in different ways. The light source are shown, through the windows. Howvever, intersecting walls can impede this light source and create some darker, more private spaces. By looking at the key playing walls we can see the division of light and how it passes throughout the walls. This poche also shows the connection between each floor and the architecture that the client may see along the way.
I chose this section because I think that it shows the most ideas behind the building and it encapsulates the light scheme developed with the construction of walls and floors.
This parti allows us to see what is the most basic underlying connection between two levels that enhances the experience of the client as he/she walks from one level to another. 'ramps engage client with architecture' starts to get a feeling of what is going on.
This parti presents us with the different paths we can take once we reach the first level. As we exit the ramp we become faced with a decision to take one of three paths which assists in the division of spaces. This circulation also helps us understand the connection between private and public spaces and how to get there.
The roof line doesn't fall into place like the rest of the villa, however it does play a role in keeping a connection between the villa itself and the surrounding environment. In this parti we can see that Corb has placed curved walls strategically to keep a connection between the villa and its environment.
Shows the divsion between public and private sections which is outlined by a grid geometry which helps form spaces or rooms within the villa. Squares are the most basic shape in the villa with the spaces being cut out of the square matrix to form more intricate spaces.
Displays the relation between the ground floor and the underlying grid structure. Specifically the ground floor not only plays an important entry role but also plays a role in supporting the structure above with poles. Again there is a sense of connecting private to public spaces y including exterior spaces that make you feel as if you where actually inside the villa.
In this parti, we can begin to see the distinct connection between private and public spaces with the inclusion of subspaces that divide the private space. Walls help in interfering with light, however the windows along the sides of the villa have no problem in transmitting a large quantity of light to even the deepest corner of the villa.