Thursday, April 15, 2010

Site - Little Manly Beach

The site in my opinion holds a great atmosphere as to how the client can escape the entrapment of modern life and look for something peaceful and relaxing. A terrific ocean view can take the attention of the client and help forget about the worries of life.

Terrific lighting both day and night can display a wide range of environmental wonders in little manly which can hence also release the client from the entrapment and stress of modern life.

Starting idea:

To construct a meeting place for a someone who would like to get away from the troubles in life and to find a place to relax.

The outer most point of little manly where there is concrete work is the location of the design, as it captures not only a fantastic view of the city, but sunlight light that is shone at sunrise, sunset and througout the entire day.

# levels: 2

atmospheric view: holiday house feel, while still keeping the idea of meeting place for a fashionable woman who would like the escape entrapment.

main construction ideas: many windows, lighting procedure very important! as well as views.

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